Circular Communities Australia environmental
commercial sustainability.

Core philosophy

The plastic resource must be for highest and best use. We do this by mechanically processing (cleaning, heating to melting point, and
change its shape). Once the plastic can no longer be reprocessed mechanically (after 8 or more times) then we will send the plastic for advanced recycling or waste to energy.

Our Toowoomba Facility

Our people have been working on this project since 2015. Lead by Stewart Ford, and supported by industry specialists, he has researched and developed the facility to operate as efficiently as possible.

The new facility is on track to be commissioned and operational by the end 2024. The equipment is currently being manufactured and the site upgraded. Private tours for schools will be available early 2025.

Our Community

It takes a community to change and grow.

The Circular Communities Australia community is made up of Big Bag Recovery which includes: bag importers; brand owners; product users (consumers); collectors; and collection points (businesses, councils and resellers) AND Circular Communities Australia which includes: manufacturers; and users of new products made from 100% recycled content.

Our community does this so it can repeat it again and again. We do not generate the initial plastic or its problems, but we can influence what happens after that.

This is what our community is about.

What is Big Bag Recovery?

Bag Recovery is the Australian Government Accredited Product Stewardship scheme for plastic bags over 15 kg/l of contents (sacks and bulk bags). The program only includes recyclable bags that are woven polypropylene (wPP) and low-density polyethylene (LDPE). The program allows for two sizes: sacks and bulk bags.

Commercial Sustainability.

Circular economy driven by stewardship which delivers environmental and commercial sustainability. Big Bag Recovery is an Australian Government Accredited Product Stewardship Scheme.

Big Bag Recovery (BBR) provide reliable feedstock while satisfying its members regulatory and social obligations; Circular Communities Australia (CCA) processes the BBR plastic into commercial resin pellets and new products which delivers circular economy and recycling outcomes.

For every 1 tonne of plastic processed

1.47 tonnes

of CO2 emissions are avoided


in landfill costs are saved

Environmental & Social Benefits


  • Reduced GHG emissions
  • cleaner waterways
  • sustainable industry that maximises the use of a created resource
  • All products that CCA makes, CCA retains responsibility to recover and repeat the recycling process


  • For every 100 tonnes of plastic recovered and processed 1 brand new circular economy job is created
  • Schools and small groups will be invited to visit the facility starting in early 2025. To see and understand circularity firsthand.


From Bags to 3 Key Products: Targeted directly at Governments procurement commitment to 30% recycled content.

  • Created using existing technology
  • Currently manufactured overseas and consumed in Australia
  • Are both Environmentally and Economically beneficial
  • Recoverable and reprocessable, creating a true circular economy
  • BBR controls the ongoing recovery and reprocessing of products manufactured. This underscores ongoing environmental and commercial benefits

Sound abatement
and structural panels

School and
community chairs

Evaporation and
odour suppression
floating covers

Contact Us

Phone 1800 958 333

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